A sudden financial crisis can wreck your entire economic situation. Once you fall behind on one obligation, you are likely to fall behind on others, worsening your circumstances. One thing you should avoid when facing a crisis is not paying your child support...
Friendly, Committed And Always Working For You
Our attorneys have the skills, experience and dedication needed to help families, individuals & businesses make smart, informed legal decisions in Alabama.
Month: April 2023
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One of several ways of getting a fair divorce settlement
Are you concerned about getting a fair divorce settlement and having your voice heard? Have you wondered how to establish a custody agreement effectively? Mediation may help. What is mediation? Mediation is a non-adversarial form of conflict resolution that includes:...
4 ways contractors can reduce legal risks and improve reputation
More Americans than ever understand their rights and stand ready to protect them. While it is good to have a well-informed population, it may increase the risk of litigation for contractors and construction companies. For example, if a homeowner of today feels you...