One of the first things you have to do when starting a business is to determine what business structure is going to suit that company the best. For instance, someone who is just starting a business on the side may choose a sole proprietorship. Someone who is expanding...
Friendly, Committed And Always Working For You
Our attorneys have the skills, experience and dedication needed to help families, individuals & businesses make smart, informed legal decisions in Alabama.
Month: October 2022
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What can you do if marriage counseling fails?
When couples can’t talk out their issues, the next thing they may try is marriage counseling. Marriage counselors are generally trained in communication and argument de-escalation techniques. In theory, couples therapy should help couples reestablish and rekindle...
Important tax information to remember during a divorce
Divorce is difficult, and it can be messy for many couples. With all the arguing and disagreements you may face, you may not think much about your taxes. However, it’s imperative that you consider your tax situation and what it will be when your divorce is final....