While this is a tricky subject, it is not uncommon. When a couple who is in a romantic relationship has a child, it is presumed that the man in the relationship is the dad and his name is included in the birth certificate. This makes him the child’s legal father. And...
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Our attorneys have the skills, experience and dedication needed to help families, individuals & businesses make smart, informed legal decisions in Alabama.
Month: May 2023
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5 types of business contracts
If you are a new business owner you will need to start making a lot of contracts. These provide vital protection moving forward. A business contract usually includes elements like an offer and acceptance, considerations and legal subject matters. If you’re unsure what...
2 subtle signs the insurance company is acting in bad faith
When you purchase a home insurance policy, you are taking steps to cushion your property from financial losses should a disaster like a flood or fire happen. And if you keep your end of the bargain, by paying your premiums on time, you can have peace of mind that the...