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Can you ask the Alabama civil courts to enforce your contract?

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2022 | Civil Litigation |

You signed a contract with a company that remodels bathrooms or a supplier for your small manufacturing company. Unfortunately, despite agreeing in writing to provide a service or deliver goods, the other party fails to follow through with their obligations to you. 

In fact, they may have already taken your money or at least a downpayment from you. Can you ask the Alabama civil courts to uphold and enforce a contract with another person or a business? 

Yes, enforcement can be a solution for a breach of contract claim

Going over your contract to ensure that it is valid and contains the terms you expect to enforce is an important step before you take any other action. Sometimes, incorrect assumptions or misremembered details can lead to contract disputes. 

If you have a valid contract that the other party has clearly failed to uphold, you can ask for help from the civil court. Evidence of when the other party refuses to follow through with their promises to you, like written refusals to deliver goods, could help you build a case. Other times, proof that you have reached out and not had a response can be sufficient to show a good faith attempt to resolve the matter on your part. 

In some scenarios, you can ask the courts to throw out the contract. Other times, you can ask them to enforce it by ordering specific performance. A judge can order the other party to do what they should have in the contract. They can also order them to pay you damages if you have suffered financial losses because of the breach of contract. 

Reviewing the contract itself and documenting how the other party has failed to follow through in their obligations to you could help you resolve a contract dispute successfully in the Alabama civil courts.