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Learn how to communicate better with a toxic ex

On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2019 | Family Law |

Many co-parents in Alabama have found that challenges arise when raising children in two different households, even if a separation or divorce was amicable. When a person is dealing with a toxic ex-spouse, though, they may feel like the challenges are so overwhelming that it affects their ability to parent well. Here are a few tips to help individuals who are dealing with a toxic ex-spouse.

The first thing a person should remember is that they do not have to respond to everything that a toxic ex-spouse says or does. When the divorce is finalized and custody arrangements have been set in place, the relationship is no longer the same. Parents need to be on hand when emergencies arise in order to be there for their children, but it is sometimes best to simply ignore bad behavior, sarcasm or insults.

One major reason why couples divorce is because of power struggles. A toxic ex-spouse may constantly try to pull rank when communicating about the children. There are many things that the other ex-spouse can do to keep the situation calm. For example, an individual can choose when to engage with the ex-spouse. If the ex-spouse says something unpleasant, it is better to walk away from the situation. They can vent to a friend and sleep on the decision of how they will respond. If they choose to engage with the ex-spouse later on, they will be able to do so in a calm way and with parenting as their main focus.

Sometimes, the situation can get to the point where a person feels like a toxic ex-spouse presents a danger to the children. In this case, a person may decide to speak with a family law attorney. The attorney may be able to provide information about child custody modifications or show a person their options for seeking full custody of the children.

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