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A crisis in the making

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2021 | Criminal Defense |

North Alabama was once considered the area where a significant amount of illegal narcotics were trafficked, used, and abused. The sheer number of methamphetamine labs earned Sand Mountain a certain level of infamy with the moniker of “Meth Mountain.”

Fast forward twenty years later. Meth, one of the few drugs made in the United States, and other dangerous and potentially deadly narcotics are commonplace throughout the entire state and the country. The ever-increasing demand has resulted in not only significant growth but also challenges in identifying the specific people who serve as the engine driving more drugs into Alabama.

The alarming growth of meth statewide and nationwide

Sheriffs in Alabama and all other states can attest to the alarming popularity as it remains the number one complaint they receive. In Alabama, all ten sheriff’s offices have established narcotics divisions or drug task forces that see undercover and plainclothes officers working to infiltrate drug operations. Naturally, the focal point of the state is Huntsville, a city that enjoys the highest population, a drug trafficker’s dream.

Meth labs are only the beginning. Meth houses and the dealers who distribute the products have created countless problems for those now suffering from severe dependency on a highly addictive drug.

The U.S./Mexico border continues as a primary source for this illegal form of importing, using Alabama as both a destination and a gateway to all parts of the United States. While Mexican law enforcement reported close to a 500 percent increase in fentanyl seizures from the previous year represents a certain level of progress, narcotics are still breaching the border.

Illegal drug use and addiction impair judgment that could lead to criminal charges. The help of a skilled and compassionate criminal defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of a drug possession case.

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