In Alabama and across the United States, people frequently share personal information via social media platforms. Many couples planning to divorce have active accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Although it’s fine to stay active on social media platforms, people getting divorced should take some precautions. Most online friends are not close friends. Accordingly, sharing personal and confidential information with distant acquaintances is not always advisable. For instance, people should refrain from posting negative comments about their spouses.
It’s a bad idea to post a spouse’s wrongdoings even when divorce is not an issue. Instead, people should speak with a marriage counselor, pastor, rabbi or close friend. In some states, data shared via social media platforms may count as evidence during divorce proceedings. Negative social media posts could prove to be incriminating during a difficult divorce. It is also a good idea to avoid sharing personal details with social media friends.
Couples planning to divorce may want to take other precautionary measures involving their social media accounts. Set an account on the highest privacy mode and read all previous posts. Remove detrimental posts designed to ruin the reputation of a spouse. Eliminate any online friends who may cause legal problems. The main thing to remember is that divorce is a personal issue between two individuals. Divorce does not concern so-called online acquaintances, friends and other contacts.
Protecting children is also important, especially when related to child support decrees and child custody issues. Once social media accounts are private, a couple can then make important decisions regarding the division of assets, property distribution and child visitation rights. Whether a couple has to make plans for child custody modifications or spousal support, speaking with a family law attorney may provide helpful feedback.